Existing PaveDrain installations can easily be retrofitted with the P4 INFIL-Tracker Monitoring system.
The P4 INFIL-Tracker and P4 Rain-mX monitoring systems autonomously measure the water level under the PaveDrain system before, during and after a storm event. Measure runoff volume captured and infiltration rate to drive data-driven TMDL compliance and document maintenance requirements.
Download the PaveDrain/INFIL-Tracker 1-Page PDF
The INFIL-Tracker is a below
pavement sensor.
P4 INFIL-Tracker is battery powered, solar charged, and can be driven on.
P4’s INFIL-Tracker and Rain-mX transmit rainfall, stormwater captured, stormwater infiltrating, and when to clean the PaveDrain system.
P4’s INFIL-Tracker includes desktop and mobile device dashboards for data viewing and download.